Playground, Water, Hat

2 min readJul 14, 2020

Isaac sometimes enjoys going on his bike (I push him) and his scooter (he just walks with it), but mostly when he sees his older brother, Zachy, on his. He loves going to the playground and swinging with one of us parents, although he did try to go by himself on his stomach last week. He asked to take out the splash pool after work last week, and he swam in there for a little, playing with is cars. He loves the pool, but mostly the hot tub. When he grabs Zachy’s float and bring it inside, declaring “Swim!” he also points to the float and screams, “Mine!” Isaac also is a fan of hats — it’s so easy to get one on him and stay on. That’s great for the hot summer. We are still, thankfully, healthy, and really being forced to explore our own neighborhood, and have been discovering some new trails to go on. Isaac, not surprisingly, is a fan of a more challenging trail. Zachy is too — I think he likes feeling like he is doing something more difficult, and the trails we’ve found more recently have been more remote and less traversed.


